Welcome to Little Ducks Pre-School Prospectus
The aim of Little Ducks Pre-school is to provide a welcoming, secure and stimulating environment for children to learn through play. We work in partnership with parents to help children learn and develop whilst promoting equality and valuing diversity.
Sessions are available Monday to Friday from 9.00-12.00 and we also offer afternoon sessions Mondays-Fridays until 12.00-3.00 depending on demand. All day sessions are available.
The pre-school is registered to accept children from 2 years of age until they start school. A child’s name may be added to the waiting list on completion of a registration form. When places become available they are offered as follows:
- Children aged 3+ years eligible for the Free Entitlement Grant of up to 15 hours per week.
- All other children currently attending pre-school at that time.
- Children on the waiting list. Places will be offered to whoever was registered first.
The proprietor can override this policy in exceptional circumstances.
Starting at Little Ducks Pre-school
When a start date has been agreed we will send you a welcome pack and we will ask for some more background information about your child which may help us to settle them in.
Some children may be upset the first time they are left with us. We will arrange our routine so staff are on hand to comfort and help settle children. For the first couple of sessions parents will be requested to arrive later or return early to collect their child until the child is familiar with the new surroundings. We try to discourage parents from staying, as the child will never get to know us if parent/carer are around. A very positive attitude towards pre-school is required, as children will pick up on your anxieties.
Fees are calculated termly in advance and are payable during the first 2 weeks of term. A fee envelope will be given to you confirming the total fees due. No refunds are available for sickness or holidays due to the continuing costs of keeping a child’s place open. If you need to discuss payment of fees or your child has to be absent over a long period of time please talk to the proprietor, Caroline Fenwick. A receipt is available on request. We can apply for the free entitlement grant for 3 & 4 year olds and for 2 year olds who meet specific criteria. Where funding is not received, then fees apply.
Key person
Each child is allocated a key person and they will be your main point of contact if you have any queries or questions to ask. Your child’s key person will observe your child whilst at pre-school recording their progress and achievements through their learning journey. You can speak to the key person at any time but they will arrange a chat with you to see how they have settled in at the end of the first term and you will be invited to a meeting with them once per annum to discuss your child’s progress and possible targets for their future learning journey.
Parents as Partners
At Little Ducks we recognise parents / carers as the first and most important educators of their children. All of the staff see themselves as partners with parents in providing care and education for their child so we welcome news and feedback from home to add to the children’s progress records. Parents are welcome to take part in a session by sharing their own interests and skills with the children. .
The Session.
- On arrival children are invited to find their name and place it on to our name board. An adult can help them look for the initial letter.
- At approx 9.20 am a bell is rung by the special helper for that day requesting that all the children should come and sit down together for the register to be taken. The children answer their name, discuss the weather board and count the number of children and adults in that day. Adults will also talk about the letter or theme of the week and special activities planned.
- During the next hour and half children are free to choose from a variety of activities and equipment available each day. Different resources and equipment are included in planning each week to support children’s development in all areas of learning. Children will have the opportunity to go outside and play during this time. If necessary they will change into their outdoor shoes or wellies. Rolling snacktime operates during this period when children can sit at the table with their friends and enjoy a choice of healthy snacks of fruit and vegetables and a drink of milk or water. Children can bring their own drink in a labelled cup if necessary.
- The second half of the session is a little more adult led. When the bell is rung for tidy up time the children are encouraged to help pack away some of the toys and then we gather together for a story sometimes in smaller groups. After the story table activities on offer are changed and adults will join children in playing games, construction activities and mark making.
- Circle time – singing, dancing, playing musical instruments and doing “show and tell”
- Children then prepare to go home. Bags are given out and parents collect coats and shoes on their way into the hall. Children staying for the afternoon engage in other activities at this time.
Weekly themes
We have themes during each term to help aid children’s learning and equipment and activities are planned to help support this theme. Each week we have a ‘letter’ of the week and a weekly theme. No child is made do anything that they don’t want to do as everything that we do is planned to be fun. Our philosophy is for children to learn though play. Children may bring in items relating to the theme or letter of the week to share with the group at circle time. The themes and letters of the week are listed in our newsletter issued each term.
Afternoon sessions
Afternoon sessions are available until 3.00pm usually Monday – Friday but days can vary depending on demand. Children are asked to bring in their own lunch to eat together. After lunch they may take part in a variety of activities indoors and outdoors. They may work in small groups to practice their pen control skills for letter/number recognition or play a turn taking game. Please speak to Caroline or your key person if you are interested and they can advise you if it would suit your child.
During your child’s last 2 terms at pre-school a little work can be set for them to complete with you at home. This is not compulsory and has been prepared in response to requests from parents who wanted some guidance on things they could do at home to prepare their children for school. Children can bring this back to pre-school to share with their key person if they wish.
Learning Journeys – Records of achievement and progress
We use an online record system called “Tapestry” and parents can set up a password so they can view their own child’s learning journal from home. Your child’s key person will continually update the record for each child and staff and parents both contributing to these records is one of the ways in which the key person and parents work in partnership. These records help us to celebrate achievements and to work together to provide what your child needs to continue on their learning journey and identify their next steps.
We do take photos of children during activities as part of ongoing observations and as evidence for Ofsted inspections. Photos will be part of our observations on Tapestry in their learning journal and photos may show groups of children. If you do not wish your child to be photographed or included in groups with other children please ensure this is confirmed on your registration form. If circumstances change please inform us in writing.
Staff to children ratio’s are in line with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). All staff have been cleared to work with children and there is always a qualified supervisor present during sessions. As well as gaining qualifications in early years care and education, our staff take part in further training to help them to keep up-to-date with developments in the EYFS. Details of all staff qualifications can be viewed in group. We are an equal opportunity’s employer.
Safeguarding children
Our setting has a duty under the law to help safeguard children against suspected or actual ‘significant harm’. Our employment practices ensure children against the likelihood of abuse in our settings and we have a procedure for managing complaints or allegations against a member of staff.
Our way of working with children and their parents ensures we are aware of any problems that may emerge and can offer support, including referral to appropriate agencies when necessary, to help families in difficulty. Our designated safeguarding lead is Annie Hill and the deputy safeguarding lead is Caroline Fenwick.
Special Educational Needs
As part of the setting’s policy to make sure that its provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. The setting works to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2001).
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Lyn Webb.
Inclusion Development Programme
The inclusion Development Programme (IDP) is part of the government’s strategy for children with Special educational needs (SEN), this was a four year programme from 2008 – 2011 to help and support schools and settings with children with a range of special educational needs of all ages from early years through to secondary. Staff have attended a variety of training courses for the IDP to ensure we fulfil all children’s entitlement to a rich and engaging learning experience.
Equality Working Group – Vision Statement
“At Little Ducks Pre-school we aim to meet the needs of our community to ensure our practice is inclusive and everyone is treated equally regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, origin, disability or family setting.” The settings Equality Needs Coordinator (ENCO) is Tina Poole.
First Aid
A member of staff holding a full paediatric first aid certificate is present at each session. Details of any accidents at pre-school are recorded and parents asked to sign the accident book when collecting their child. We only ever use cold compress for bumps. Plasters are only used if blood is visible. If a child arrives at pre-school with an injury parents should advise staff and complete a pre-exisiting injury form.
Any child, who has a temperature, infection or symptoms of illness, must be kept at home until symptoms have disappeared. Children must not attend pre-school if they have been sick or had diarrhoea in the last 48 hours.
Allergies and Medication
Full details of allergies and any medical conditions must be included on registration form and an individual health form will be issued for completion. Any changes should be notified to staff immediately. Our registration form also requires you to confirm your permission for medical advice or treatment to be sought if we are unable to contact you. If your child has emergency or prescribed medication this must be bought into each session and handed to a member of staff. Detailed instructions for its use must be provided with the medication. It is the parent’s responsibility to collect the medication at the end of each session. If staff have to administer any medication the details will be entered into pre-school record.
Items of Clothing
Everything that your child brings into the pre-school must be labelled with their name. We do provide aprons for messy activities but sometimes clothes can get paint on so in order for your child to enjoy pre-school activities old clothes are best. We have a small supply of spare clothes in pre-school but it may be advisable to leave spare clothes in their bag. We encourage children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves to the toilet and taking off, and putting on, outdoor clothes. Clothing that is easy for them to manage will help them to do this. No jewellery, money or sweets are permitted. The pre-school cannot accept responsibility for any lost or broken items.
Children must have a change of shoe for pre-school either a soft slipper or plimsoll. It stops tiny fingers getting crushed and enables them to enjoy gross motor skill activities with safety and keeps equipment clean. For outside play children may change back into outdoor shoes or wellies which we advise you to provide whenever possible. Children are encouraged to change their own shoes so no laces please!
All staff are required to wear our uniform. Uniform for the children is also available and polo shirts and sweatshirts are on sale in group. Please see a member of staff for up to date prices.
Children are accepted into the pre-school in nappies. We ask that you provide a few nappies, wipes and a change of clothes in a labelled bag and bring it to every session.
Please park in the car park and with consideration for other motorists and pedestrians. Please do not parkon double yellow lines or across the pavement. The main gate is off Wash road and there is also a gate from the car park through the garden which is only open at drop off and pick up times.
Little Ducks policies help us to make sure that the service we provide is of a high quality and that being a member of the setting is an enjoyable and beneficial experience for each child and her/his parents.
A full copy of the pre-school policies and procedures are available in the parents box in the setting.
Complaints procedure.
Anyone who wishes to make a complaint should speak to the child’s Key person to hopefully come to a solution. Failing that they should put the complaint in writing to the proprietor and every effort will be made to resolve complaints. In the unlikely event of there not being a mutual agreement reached following Ofsted may be contacted at Ofsted National Business Unit, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD Tel no: 0300-123-4666
Emergency contacts
It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to inform us in writing if collection and emergency contact details change. Please make sure your emergency contact name and address is someone other than yourself. A child will only be allowed to leave the pre-school with an adult (over 16 years of age) who has authorisation from the parent/ carer. A password may be used in emergency situations.
Telephoning the Pre-school
If you need to contact the pre-school during the session call the Scout HQ number which is 01277-234346. Staff are on hand at the beginning and end of sessions if you need to discuss anything.
How we provide for children’s development and learning
The provision for children’s development and learning is guided by The Early Years Foundation Stage – 2012 . Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by Little Ducks Pre-school helps children to continue to do this by providing all of them with interesting activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development.
The Areas of Development and Learning comprise:
§ Personal, social and emotional development; § Communication and language § Physical development § Literacy § Maths § Understanding the World § Expressive Arts and Design |
The practice guidance also sets out in ‘Development Matters’ the likely stages of progress a child makes along their learning journey towards the early learning goals. These goals state what it is expected that children will know and be able to do by the end of the reception year of their education. At Little Ducks Pre-school we have regard to these matters when we assess children and plan for their learning.
More information on the EYFS is available at www.foundationyears.org.uk/early-years-foundation-stage-2012/
Things to Remember
- After registering your child we will contact you when a place becomes available. You are more than welcome to visit with your child at any time by prior arrangement.
- On your child’s first day your key person will introduce themselves. We recommend that you settle them at an activity and leave quite quickly. However you know your child best and if you are not happy to leave them you can stay for as long as you require but remember they will not get to know us if you are around. During the first week we may suggest you return early to take them home.
- Children must have a change of shoe either a plimsoll or slipper but leave outdoor shoes or wellies for the garden too. We also suggest old clothes to play in and we do lots of messy activities.
- Milk or water and a healthy snack are offered daily. If your child does not like milk or water they can bring in their own drink in a clearly labelled drinking container. Water is available throughout the session.
- It is vital you inform us in writing of any allergies, what the symptoms are and how it is to be treated.
- Written permission on registration form or by letter is required if someone else is collecting your child. A password can be used if you have to advise us by telephone in an emergency.
- Children are entitled to government funding for up to 15 hours per week the term after their 3rd The pre-school will give you the forms for completion, and sight of the child’s birth certificate and proof of address will be required. Funding for some 2 year olds who meet specific criteria is also available.
- You must be prompt in picking up your child, we know you are on your way but the child doesn’t. A fee may be charged if you are continually late. Please call on 01277-234346 if you are delayed.
- Remember to name all coats, bags and shoes. Any items not clearly labelled will be placed on a table for collection.
- Children are encouraged to put on own coat and shoes to play outside so clothing that is easy for them to manage will help. E.g. no shoes with laces etc.
- Try to discourage you child from bringing toys into pre-school unless it is for Show & Tell, as toys can easily be packed away with the pre-schools property.
- Fees must be paid during the first 2 weeks of term.
- If your child is ill they must we kept at home until all symptoms have disappeared – at least 48 hours from last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.